Harmony With Lego Bricks Download
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He´s pretty anti intellectual (and I love that) and you have to accept that - at least for the time your studying the book I guess:-) Conrad Cork´s main issue with the lego bricks is remembering tunes, and there is a newer book that is a very good companion (I´ll check the authors name and get back to you). HERE
harmony with lego bricks
If you know how to deal with most of the bricks, you can deal with most of the tunes also.. My view on the lego bricks is that they are very good tools for practicing improvisation also.. You guessed right (in the other thread) and I worked quite a bit with this book and I like it a lot.. I prefer names like ii-V-I and such to the names that Cork is using, but it is the same thing anyway.. If you want to do this thread as a study group on Conrad Cork Ill join in:-). 2
harmony with lego bricks pdf
the new guide to harmony with lego bricks pdf
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conrad cork harmony with lego bricks